April 2011. Guest Blogger, Canadian born biologist Alaina Macri, explains her fascinating research on snow leopards in zoos. She studied 18 cats to see if they had a preference for company or being on their own. Work like this is important so zoo staff can improve the lives of snow leopards in their care. Thanks Alaina for sharing your work with us on Saving Snow Leopards Blog.
February 2011 This month’s Guest Blogger is Professor John Shulman, a man of many talents and truly inspirational. He’s a graduate of Harvard Law School, an internationally recognized expert in negotiation and conflict resolution and he recently co-wrote and directed the award winning human rights film “Justice.” But today he writes about another passion – the environment, children, wildlife and India. His newly published children’s book “The Lama, the Snow Leopard and the Thunder Dragon,” is an unputtdownable (even for adults!) read about a delightful threesome of child heroes who battle the villains of ‘Progress’ and ‘Development’ in the Himalayas. Karma, the world’s first vegetarian snow leopard, a blustery thunder dragon and a mysterious lama help them. John has kindly written about the book for Saving Snow Leopards Blog. Read here.

Jennifer Castner, Director Altai project
December 2010 As a result of my trip to the Altai Mountains in southern Russia this year, I got to know Jennifer Castner, Director of the Altai Project (TAP). Jenn, who lives in California, is fluent in Russian and passionate about this part of Russia. She’s lived and studied in Moscow and worked in Kiev and has traveled extensively in Siberia and the Russian Far East. Jenn kindly accepted my invitation to be “Saving Snow Leopards Blog” first Guest Blogger and we warmly welcome her. Read here.