Garry Barker "The Age" newspaper on Snow Leopard O/S
We’ve all known for some time that Apple’s soon to be released operating system is named Snow Leopard (aka Mac OS X 10.6). And why not? I can see that the company and the product would like to be associated with a species that is hardy, built for incredible performance, speed, agility and astounding endurance in harsh environments.
But as Garry Barker The (Melbourne) Age’s Apple guru, pointed out today there is also the flip side to this story and perhaps Apple can help make history here.
Barker says – “… we should observe that an irony under the excitement about Apple’s Snow Leopard is that the real, furry cats are on the endangered list. Perhaps a dollar or two of the OS’s price could be donated to help save one of the more beautiful species on earth.”
Good on you Garry, for pointing that out. So how about it, Apple? A couple of dollars to the Snow Leopard Trust and the Snow Leopard Conservancy could make a HUGE difference to the future of this species and the people that share its harsh habitat, a difference that can mean life or death for both.
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