“Saving Snow Leopards Report” does not collect donations for endangered snow leopards. However we encourage you to become involved in Adoption or Donation programs through snow leopard conservation agencies listed here. You can also take part in snow leopard volunteer treks and follow snow leopard news on Twitter. Check out links below.
Support Conservation agencies
The Snow Leopard Conservancy. Founded by Dr Rodney Jackson and Darla Hillard who have been working with snow leopards since the early 1980’s. The aim of the Conservancy is “Promoting community-based stewardship of the endangered snow leopard, its prey and habitat.” The SLC trains local teachers, teacher trainers, school children and NGO’s using simple but powerful tools to help understand the impact of losing the snow leopards and the prey in their habitat areas.
Rodney Jackson is the leading snow leopard expert who has been working with the cats for over 35 years. He was the first to capture and radio collar wild snow leopards in the early 1980’s. His experience with local communities of herders and villagers in snow leopard habitat informs SLC conservation projects. SLC works with communities and researchers in many countries – China, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan.
The Snow Leopard Trust (SLT) is the largest and oldest organization working solely to protect the endangered Snow Leopard. It was founded in 1981 by Helen Freeman (1932-2007) who worked as a volunteer with snow leopards at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo.
The SLT is currently running a ground breaking 10 year snow leopard research and conservation project in Mongolia, which has radio collared 15 cats and is collecting some of the most significant field data on snow leopards ever collected. During the summer of 2012 they found two wild dens and are now studying two mothers and cubs in a world first.
Panthera is an organisation devoted to the conservation of the world’s wild cats including snow leopards. Their biologists and law enforcement experts develop innovative strategies to address the threats facing the big cats by fighting to stop poaching, developing programs and support to prevent conflict with people, conserving wild cat habitats, and reducing unsustainable legal hunting.
Do Volunteer Research
You can also help snow leopard survival by joining a volunteer research expedition. Biosphere Expeditions is a non-profit conservation organisation/charity that offers an annual volunteer expedition to the beautiful Tien Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan collecting data on snow leopards.
Follow Twitter
Saving Snow Leopards Report Twitter
Snow Leopard Conservancy Twitter
Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program