George Schaller with anesthetised snow leopard and tracker.
There are about 3400 – 4500 snow leopards left in the wild in 12 countries. These web pages help you understand issues like –
- How many snow leopards are there in each country?
- What are the threats facing snow leopards and impacting their long term survival in the wild?
- What sort of research is being done in each country to learn more about snow leopards there?
- What community education and conservation projects are there to support local people and help them protect snow leopards and live in harmony with them?
Afghanistan Bhutan China India Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Tajikistan Russia
“The snow leopard might well serve as a symbol of man’s commitment to the future of the mountain world.”
“Stones of Silence – Journeys in the Himalaya” George Schaller, 1979.