“Snow leopards – Stories from the Roof of the World” edited by Don Hunter and published by University of Colorado Press.
We blogged about it when it first came out but we are reading it again and want to share the experience.
Adventure and danger in the remote high altitudes of Central Asia. An elusive big cat that doesn’t want to be seen. A beautiful, magical cat. An extraordinary cat. In the world of biology they say extraordinary animals attract extraordinary people and this is certainly the case with snow leopards.
The Book “Snow leopards – Stories from the Roof of the World” edited by Don Hunter and published by University of Colorado Press, shares the highs and lows of people who have dedicated their lives to saving snow leopards in the wild. People who have spent months in freezing conditions, battling loneliness, lack of food and altitude sickness. Some of them have been rewarded with a glimpse of the “Ghost Cat’, others work for its survival regardless of never seeing it. Extraordinary people indeed.
A MUST READ for snow leopard fans.
The many contributors are a Who’s Who of snow leopard experts.
Ali Abutalip Dahashof
Som B. Ale
Avaantseren Bayarjargal
Yash Veer Bhatnagar
Joseph L. Fox
Helen Freeman
Darla Hillard
Don Hunter
Shafqat Hussain
Rodney Jackson
Jan E. Janecka
Mitchell Kelly
Ashiq Ahmad Khan
Nasier A. Kitchloo
Evgeniy P. Kashkarov
Peter Matthiessen
Kyle McCarthy
Tom McCarthy
George B. Schaller
Rinchen Wangchuk
“Editor Don Hunter was drawn into the snow leopard’s world more than twenty years ago while working as a research ecologist with the US Department of the Interior. His experience with snow leopards in central Asia led to similar studies of mountain lions in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. He still works on behalf of big cats worldwide as science director for the Rocky Mountain Cat Conservancy (catconservancy.org).” (Uni of Colarado Press).
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