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Melbourne Zoo snow leopard update

Goodbye Gregor

Sadly I heard news the other day that Gregor, our lovely 20 year old male, had died at the Zoo. He was so beautiful and will be missed by visitors, snow leopard sponsors and especially his keepers who all felt he was really special. Gregor reached a pretty good age though, as in the wild, snow leopards rarely live past about 10 years. Still I’ll miss him – he’s been responsible for a lot of my fascination with snow leopards and I’ve visited him many times over the years.

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  • Avalon & Linda Sperring March 13, 2009, 10:59 am

    Rest In Peace dear George. In your 20 years of life you achieved a great deal for your species – understanding, protection and renewed fascination and interest. Thank you for all you did. I am very sorry for all George’s keepers and friends at the Zoo who will miss him terribly. Vale George the Snow Leopard.

  • Avalon & Linda Sperring March 13, 2009, 11:02 am

    I do apologise. Vale Gregor.

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