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Please sign petition asking Etsy to stop selling endangerd wildlife fur

We’ve ramped up the campaign to encourage Etsy to take a stand against selling wildlife parts. Sadly Etsy’s CEO Chad Dickerson still maintains it is up to individual sellers to decide what they will and won’t sell on the site, including endangered animal parts.

The Snow Leopard Trust has also written to Etsy and started a petition after we discovered a seller listing snow leopard fur. Please help convince Etsy to take action. We have over 2000 signatories but want 10,000.

Sign the petition here – http://www.thepetitionsite.com/266/408/337/tell-etsy-that-endangered-animals-arent-products/

Other global sites like Ebay have very strict policies in place for its sellers and also keep an eye on what is listed. We ask Etsy to do the same. help save our wildlife and make the Etsy community proud.

Thanks for your support.

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