“Beautiful things don’t call attention to themselves” says the Sean Penn character, Sean O’Connell in the movie Walter Mitty just as he is about to film an elusive snow leopard. Photo (c) Walter Mitty 2013.
Call us biased. We saw the film ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ the other day with megastars Ben Stiller (as office worker Walter Mitty) and Sean Penn. But the show stopper was definitely the magnificent snow leopard that the wildlife photographer Sean O’Connell (Sean Penn’s character) finds after months of gruelling high altitude searching. In the movie the photographer character has been as elusive as the snow leopard is in real life, but finally Walter Mitty catches up with O’Connell just as he is about to photograph the snow leopard.
When O’Connell tells Mitty to keep completely still, he calls the snow leopard the “ghost cat” and says, “Beautiful things don’t ask for attention.”
We hope though, that this short clip brings attention in a good way, to the plight of this endangered beauty.
PS – its is a shame that the snow leopard clip was not included in the credits of the film. We have no way of knowing who took the real footage or where. Something the studio should fix – give credit where credit is due.
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