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Can ecotourism help save snow leopards?

KarmaQuest's snow leopard ecotour saw a wild snow leopard.

KarmaQuest's snow leopard ecotour saw a wild snow leopard in Ladakh, India. Photo by Brian Keating.

Yes, we believe it can. To share  information on snow leopard ecotourism I’ve added a page about travel and conservation companies offering  trips to snow leopard regions. There’s  information on what ecotourism trips offer, what you can expect if you go on a snow leopard ecotour and how such trips contribute to local community conservation and snow leopard conservation. Checkout the Ecotourism page and some of the travel companies offering snow leopard trips. Biosphere Expeditions / KarmaQuest / Wildlife and Nature Travel /

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  • ashlie May 9, 2010, 11:02 pm

    i wanna help save these magnificent cats my mum and i both love these cats i wish there was something i can do i would like to meet one in person! i want my kids to grow up and fint that the snow leopards are still alive and not just a story.

  • Glenn May 10, 2010, 12:11 pm

    Couldn’t agree more Ashlie. There is alot you can do by being a monthly sponsor or giving a once off donation to the Snow Leopard Trust or the Snow Leopard Conservancy.

    Making more people aware also is a good way to help also. You can find alot of fnatastic information on Sibylle’s blog here and I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to point you in the right direction, so you can help make a difference for the lives of our beloved Snow Leopards.

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