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Giant snow leopard leaps up city building

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo promoting its snow loepard conservation work. Photo by KOAA.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo promoting its snow leopard conservation work. Photo by KOAA.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado has raised money with its “Quarters for Conservation program” that is going towards snow leopard conservation in Mongolia. The Zoo is telling its story with a giant snow leopard poster on the Colorado Springs American National bank building.

Megan Sanders, one of the zoo’s animal behavior managers has just returned from Mongolia where she met with local villagers and herders to encourage them to work towards saving the snow leopards that share their habitat. Megan says that with conservation work it’s important to “approach it from a community based conservation action plan.”

By helping communities get better incomes from other sources “there isn’t that need to go out and poach or need to be illegally selling pelts and things like that on the black market.”

 See more on the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s snow leopard conservation support here.

How does “Quarters for Conservation” work? See here.

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