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Surprise! one more wild snow leopard with cubs in Mongolia.

Wild mum snow leopard with cubs discovered in den in Mongolia earlier in 2012. Photo SLT/Panthera.

The study team at the Snow Leopard Trust and Panthera Long Term Ecological Study in Mongolia has just analysed more camera trap photos from the last few months and there is at least one more cat with cubs. In July the Study found radio collared mums Lasya and Anu had cubs and were in two wild dens looking after them.

But now it seems now another female named F-9, and nicknamed Shinejh has cubs too. The SLT/Panthera  scientists in the field are working on confirming the exact numbers and the cats identity. Great news!

Keep up with more news on the Snow Leopard Trust Blog.

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  • JonasM November 8, 2012, 10:24 pm

    Great news!

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